Saturday, May 12, 2012

OK, first entry to blog world! I was late on the game with facebook (even dumped it for a bit!) Just started texting a year and a half ago (still on flip phone no less!). Then....the clouds parted, voices of angels, .....ahh not really. I found Pinterest. Suddenly I saw pictures of Victorian women with biting captions, braids that transform the head into a fairy wonderland (my daughter has been very patient), and recipes. The recipes is what really got me. What? I can make a healthy version of fried mozzarella sticks in less than 30 minutes? It looks sooo good. It looks soooo easy. Heck! I can make the mozzarella from scratch too? Goodness those kitties are cute! Well, this blog is a reality check for all those awesome ideas from Pinterest. Some actually worked out great! (The mozzarella bites were awesome) Some......well, have you seen the pic of Picard and Number One doing the double facepalm......that was the apple bites. Still tasty but totally not the picture. 

So, I hope to use this space as a testing ground for projects that I find on Pinterest. I don't have a gourmet kitchen. I don't have fancy photography skills. I hope to put the pic of perfection next to actual outcome. Food, hairstyles, classroom ideas, etc. will be tested. Some will be an epic fail. Some will be super cool! We shall soon see!

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